If you're reading this article, then you've no doubt seen our brand new website. Just like our fantastic range of heaters, air purifiers, fans and- of course- our world famous dehumidifiers; we've endeavoured to make our new website just as comfortable and cosy as our appliances. With a whole host of fantastic new features and straightforward design, you may also have noticed our Staff Top Picks section. As with everything involved in our new website, this entire section has it's own story and we thought that it would be a nice idea to gather around and discuss why we've chosen some of the products that we have. Every dehumidifier, heater and air purifier has it's own story and we're sharing those with you now.
The Best Air Purifier
From our very own Graphic Designer & Content Creator, Travis, we have the Demi Air Purifier. Compact in size and extremely portable- the Demi Air Purifier is a favourite of Travis who has been enjoying his very own Demi Air Purifier for a couple of months now. Although he was torn between the Jupiter and the Demi; he eventually sided with the Demi Air Purifier as his top pick as the best air purifier. Whilst the Jupiter has Alexa compatibility and an eye-catching rotary ball switch, as an experienced drummer with several drum kits at home; Travis decided that the compact, colour changing Demi was the best air purifier for him.
Why Choose an Air Purifier?
We've gone over Air Purifiers before in the past but Travis sums up the Demi Air Purifier better than anyone else could. Not only does the Demi really light up any room that it's in, but the efficient air purification of the Demi Air Purifier really helps Travis with his allergies at home- particularly with his neighbour's cat on the prowl. But what tipped the Demi over the edge as the best air purifier for him was its decorative aspects. As mentioned, the Demi Air Purifier is not only compact and portable, but with seven colour changing LEDs built in to a decorative light strip, not only does the Demi Air Purifier provide the best air quality for a musician, but also compliments the cool home design you can expect from a seasoned drummer.
The Best Dehumidifier for Home
Many may lay claim to having the best dehumidifier for home, but with a long history in our company our Chief Operations Manager Christian believes that the 12 litre per day dehumidifier isn't just the best dehumidifier for home- but the best dehumidifier full stop. Christian is known as the "Chef" Operations Manager for a reason. Boiling, steaming and frying our resident chef depends on his 12 litre per day dehumidifier to combat the natural condensation that arises when cooking and his trusty dehumidifier has been a staple part of his house hold for over a year.
Straightforward Dehumidifying
Christian adores the 12l/day dehumidifier with its robust design that also comes with easy to install wheels for increased portability. But, more than everything, this particular home dehumidifier has a personal story. When we first started in the cosy home appliances industry, the 12l/day dehumidifier was our first dehumidifier model. As a result, Christian knows the 12l/day better than anyone else and swears by the highly customizable and efficient dehumidifying capabilities of this particular dehumidifier. All of this combined makes the 12l/day dehumidifier the best and Christian's number one pick for the best dehumidifier in the world.
My Favourite Heater
With one more staff member left to go, it's time that I unveiled my pick for the best heater. As the Marketing Manager, my fingers have to be poised over a keyboard 90% of the day, like coiled vipers waiting for the next big meal. As a result, my hands tend to get quite chilly in the winter as I sit at my desk. So my favourite heater is everything I need bundled together in one compact package. My pick for the best heater is the Desktop Space Heater. Everything I need on those cold winter mornings getting ready to write the next article.
The Best Electric Heater in the UK
The desktop space heater is, in my opinion, the best heater in the UK. Coming with automatic oscillation and amazingly efficient heating capability, this portable heater is a phenomenal sidekick when it comes to creating a nice, warm working environment and I'm sure I'll be picking one up for my home very soon. The quiet noise level of the desktop space heater is a great advantage when I'm working in the office typing up articles and emails and ensures that I can have the heater running without disturbing my colleagues whilst they're manning the phones. Therefore, I stand by my selection; the desktop space heater is the best electric heater currently available.
What's Your Favourite?
It's all well and good going through our favourite appliances, however what's really important to our team is you. If you've bought from us in the past, then you've no doubt got a favourite appliance. Be sure to let us know what your personal favourite is by leaving us a review on Trustpilot. We take every review we receive seriously and we're always looking for new ways to improve your home living and comfort.